CRU K.I.E.Z. Logo

A fully developed brand and website that reflects Berlin’s new forward thinking, community-centric program.

In German ‹Kiez› is slang for ‹neighborhood›. But in the global AI community, K.I.E.Z. is due to be synonymous with innovation. Berlin universities Charité and Humboldt partnered with one another to create an incubator for ideas and research in AI. A brilliant idea that only needed a name—and a whole brand story, website, logo and visual identity to go along with it.

The Industry
AI Startup Facilitator

The Challenge
Brilliant idea that needed a brand to express itself. 

The Outcome
A vibrant and youthful brand identity that captures the iconoclastic spirit of Berlin.

Visit Site ↗

Naming      Brand Identity       Storytelling      Website Design

website design      Brand identity      Storytelling      Naming

CRU K.I.E.Z. Flyer
CRU K.I.E.Z. Logo
CRU K.I.E.Z. Shirt
CRU K.I.E.Z. Website

Marrying the iconoclastic spirit of Berlin with the legacy and prestige that the universities give to the project, we developed the brand K.I.E.Z. (Künstliche Intelligenz Entrepreneurship Zentrum, in English: Artificial Intelligence Excellence Center).

CRU K.I.E.Z. Website
CRU K.I.E.Z. Website
CRU K.I.E.Z. Business Card
CRU K.I.E.Z. Binder
CRU K.I.E.Z. Website
CRU K.I.E.Z. Website

The Hood That Makes Applied AI Happen. 



Project Team

Victoria Pineda Quiñónez
Benjamin Clemens Nuebel
Jonathan Robrecht
Greer Chapman


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Our brand agency was founded in 2018. Currently we are a team of
 16 branding experts. In total we run over 100 brand projects already.