Madame Moneypenny makes finance a woman’s business.
Do your finances feel like an impossible mountain to climb? To reach the top, you need determination, the right tools, and a guide who knows the way. Madame Moneypenny will show you the path, but she won’t carry you.
The climb is yours to make—step by step, alongside others on the same journey. It’s a true test of courage and resilience. What once seemed impossible becomes a chance to grow. And when you reach the summit, you’ll take pride, confidence, and a thirst for new challenges with you.
There’s nothing more empowering than making your own decisions and seeing them through. If you truly want to reach the top, you have to take each step y o u r s e l f .
Time for financial autonomy.
Time to Own it!
The Industry
Female-only wealth accumulation.
The Challenge
To evolve a brand that’s deeply tied to one person and their community, in a way that feels authentic.
The Outcome
A distinctive brand identity that exudes focus and professionalism—every bit as strong as its founder.

The Design
Our focus was to convey secureness and professionalism. Ultraviolet is a ‹feminine› color, bursting with self-confidence and a desire to take on any challenge. The madame has grown up—and it shows.

Own it!
Madame Moneypenny
Project Team
Sandra Stäbler
Dorothea Baumann
Klara Hieronimus
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Our brand agency was founded in 2018. Currently we are a team of 16 branding experts. In total we run over 100 brand projects already.